Friday, May 30, 2014

3 Unusual Uses for Ice

What is your picture-perfect summer day? Most likely it involves lounging of some kind, or maybe hours packed with activity. But somewhere in that daydream of perfection is bound to be a moment when you can cool off with a cold glass of your favorite beverage.

Downing iced drinks on a hot day is almost a favorite pastime.

But have you ever thought about ways that ice serves us in more unique ways? Did you know that there are commercial businesses that function by using ice? That’s right. Industries such as construction companies, produce distributors, bakeries, and nuclear plants have to use ice.

Here is the breakdown of how they do it and why.

Construction Ice

Work crews have ice for two reasons. They need ice water to stay hydrated during the day, and they need ice for work projects.

Construction companies in the desert have the challenging job of working with concrete on even the hottest days of summer. Concrete needs to be held at an ideal temperature in order to pour properly. That typically means holding below 80 degrees. But after the mix and it sits out in the heat, that temperature can quickly climb and cause issues.

Ice is the perfect solution. It allows the concrete to hold at the proper temperature and not get too hot before it has time to set.

Produce Snow

Produce is often grown by one grower, sold to a distributor, purchased by a grocery chain, and shipped to the store to sell. Transport is only possible with the help of ice and refrigeration. Spoiled fruit obviously can’t be sold and equals lost revenue and purchase dollars.

Produce ice is another unique way ice makes this chain possible.

Ice in baking

Baked goods are another product that often have to be held at a constant temperature. And when making large batches, that can become nearly impossible.

Ice can be used to keep baked good regulated so the end product is correct, fluffy, and flavorful.

And more

There are other industries including green energy products that use ice. It’s a simple, natural way for products to be regulated and chemically stable.

Watch for a future post where we will talk about ways ice is used in home remedies.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Keep cool with Summer sport of 'ice blocking' in Phoenix

What is ‘ice blocking’?

Growing up in the desert, young people have to get a little creative to have good old-fashioned fun. When the summer sun starts blazing, it takes more than just a dip in the pool to keep youth occupied. Or sweaty afternoons from filling with boredom.

And that’s exactly how an unlikely activity called ‘ice blocking’ was born. So what is this sport of ice?

Picture this. Somewhere, someone bought a large block of ice on a hot day. Of course the ice began to melt but before it did, they topped it with a towel and used the ice block to slide down grassy hillsides. Viola! Summertime sledding became a favorite pastime.

Where to ice block in the Valley of the Sun

The best places to practice ice blocking is at your own home. But not everyone has access to a sizeable hill so the second option becomes public parks. Pick a space with a wide swath to slide down and plenty of slope that doesn’t dead end in say, a cactus.

Cactus Park

Surrounded by sloping hills that cascade into a soccer field basin, Cactus Park is a great place to slide down hills on a hot summer afternoon. The park does not have rules regulating this type of activity but always show respect to other patrons and do not be loud or destructive. The park is located at 7202 E. Cactus Road and is open until 10:30 pm.

Freestone Park

The serene, hilly surroundings of Freestone Park are perfect for the sport of ice blocking. The west side of the park has the best spots to plop down on your frozen “sled” and take a few trips down the rolling hills.

The park is located at 1045 E Juniper Rd in Gilbert.

Keep in mind…

Not everyone brings a towel to sit on when they ice block. But not everyone minds having a cold, wet bottom at the end of the day. Be prepared for the wetness of such activities and plan accordingly. On a typical summer afternoon, swim wear may be appropriate.

If you do use a public place to slide, be sure to show respect to the property. Public parks have rules and regulations 1. To keep everyone safe and 2. To keep the park in good condition. Never destroy private property, leave trash behind, or harm plant life.

But do be sure to

·         Bring a lot of friends (especially key friends to carry the ice block)

·         Pack an ice cooler to transport the giant ice cube

·         Have cold drinks handy

·         Grab a change of clothes and extra towels

·         A radio will make it an official party (not blaring of course)

If you have more suggestions for ice blocking in Arizona, feel free to post them in the comments section.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Califronia Chrome's iced up

California Chrome won the Preakness today in record time. America is now cheering for him to be the first Triple Crown winner since Affirmed powered through the three races back in 1978.

All eyes are on one beautiful chestnut colt. But let me give you a little insight about what the triumphant winner is doing tonight. Much of race horse success is due to ice.

What’s ice got to do with it?

That’s right. Athletic equines can attribute sustainability in their career to calculated warm up routines and post-workout ice packs on their legs. A horse’s legs are terrible cushions for impact. They are long, slim, and are easily injured. And if a horse doesn’t have his legs, he can’t compete. Especially on the race track.

Ice not only soothes sore limbs, but it keeps swelling down and shrinks blood vessels. It’s the first line of defense when you suspect a leg injury and is often used as a preventative measure in sports that are susceptible to swelling anyway. Almost every race horse has suffered an injury at some point in their career and these can re-surface after an especially tiring exercise.

Icing is a science

There are a few techniques to ice down a horse. Back in the “old days” grooms would submerge the horse’s leg in a bucket of ice water. For the next ten minutes, their job became holding, coaxing, and pleading with the horse to stand still. As the leg became colder, that job became more difficult.

In time, other resources became available. Special ice packs were made that could be chilled and wrapped around the leg, secured by Velcro closures. Another technique was to apply cooling gel and wrapping leg bandages around the gel.

A few inventive horse people came up with the idea of putting the horse’s leg through an inner tube and filling the tubing with ice. Or, freezing ice in a Styrofoam cup and peeling the cup away as the ice melts and it is rubbed on the horse’s skin.

Freeze your cares away

The next few weeks will hold high stakes for California Chrome. He has a trainer earning his rights in the professional race world, an owner enjoying six wins by a horse he paid a fraction of the money for compared to his rivals, and a breath away from fulfilling a dream none of them saw coming.

Their days will certainly be filled with a media frenzy. Their early mornings and nights will include a detailed training schedule. And most importantly, California Chrome is guaranteed to be stocked with ice.


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

When ice machines fail: Quick fix or emergency call?

A company is only as good as the reliability of their equipment. And for establishments that rely on offering cold drinks, one often overlooked machine is the ice maker.
If you’ve been in business for any length of time, then you know that ice machines are often unreliable. Especially in the hottest times of year.
Just like any equipment, ice machines need regular maintenance and have separate parts that can break. Have you ever noticed that the number of air conditioner repair companies you see out on the road is almost overwhelming during a heat wave? That’s because of the strain the heat takes on air conditioning units. They have to run all the time to keep your home cool when the temperature soars.
The same is true for ice machines. During high times in your service season, ice machines can be strained to keep up with ice production. They are constantly running to produce ice and running to keep the ice below freezing. And unfortunately, they give out just when you need them most.
That’s also why it’s vital to keep a reliable ice delivery company on hand in case of emergencies. Relationships with your support teams matter when you suddenly realize the ice you rely on has suddenly depleted.
What to look for
Do you know what to look for when your ice machine is in trouble? And more importantly, do you know what to do to check for a simple fix and when it’s time to shut it down and call for help?
Here are a few tips.
Signs your machine is in trouble are
  • It doesn’t produce ice
  • The temperature is above freezing
  • Machine is leaking
  • Ice tastes bad or is wrong color
Where’s the ice?
Often the first sign your ice machine is in trouble is the day it refuses to produce ice. Obviously this spells trouble for your home or business, especially when you have glasses to fill for the day.
Most likely, the failure of an ice machine is due to a mechanical malfunction. But before you pick up the phone, make sure the ice maker was not accidentally switched off. Next, check the water line running to the ice maker. Look for kinks or breaks.
If all the above fails, it’s time to check for a repair company, one with good references.
Temperature Rising
If your thermostat is reading above 10 degrees Fahrenheit, ice is going to melt. And that means you won’t have anything but a soppy refrigerator.
So what do you do?
First, check to make sure your machine is not in a de-frost cycle. If that isn’t the case, give the repairman a call and be sure to have a back-up source for ice that day.
Leaky Freezer
When your freezer leaks, check a few things before assuming it’s broken.
First, make sure the freezer is sitting level on the ground. Next, check the water supply tube for problems. Look specifically for cracks in the hose, a pinch in the feed, and a proper connection.
After checking these things off, it appears you will be replacing a part.
Bad Ice
Do you regularly look at and taste your ice? If not, you should.
Ice with a foul taste or off color is either a problem with the water you are using or with the cleanliness of the ice bin. It would make sense that the quality of your water will equal the quality of your ice. Input always equals output.
Freezers need to be cleaned regularly, preferably on a regular cleaning schedule. Freezers can grow layers of mold and mildew. Hair and other debris can also collect inside. (Not something you want to think about.)
Keep on running
As they say… even when the ice machine breaks, the show must go on. Well, maybe that’s not the exact saying but it definitely applies to the food and entertainment industries.
So in closing, let me ask you a question. After reading through possible scenarios: If your ice machine breaks, who would you call? It’s a question you will eventually have to answer. It’s better to know now than at say, 6pm on a Friday night. During Happy Hour. On a holiday weekend.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

A history of refrigeration and ice: How 3 common men, weren't

PP Digital
We use it. We love it. But we think very little about surviving summertime without it.

The modern world can barely imagine survival without refrigeration and ice. Who of us in surviving generations can even imagine what it was like to use a cellar?

But something we think of as so “simple” actually isn’t so. It took decades of trial, error, and pure imagination to get machines like the refrigerator and the ice machine to hit mass production. And especially the help of three very common people who refused to be ordinary.

William Cullen

The basis for modern refrigeration is thanks to a demonstration given by William Cullen in 1756 at the University of Glasgow. He operated a medical practice and lectured on chemistry and physiology at the university.

Cullen had curiosity. And curiosity always leads to invention, although it wasn’t until much later that the next curious mind would take his steps in a new direction.

How did he move the gears of invention? The Professor used a pump to cause suction over a container that contained diethyl ether. As the ether was boiled, it absorbed heat and created a small amount of ice.

Impressive as it was, it was not yet useful to anyone.

Michael Faraday

Modern refrigerators took a step forward thanks to techniques presented by Michael Faraday. Faraday was able to change ammonia vapors into a liquid through compression. As it evaporated, the air was cooled.

But Faraday wasn’t a professor. He barely even had earned an education. In fact, at a very early age he apprenticed to bind and sell books. But greatness doesn’t take a back seat to opportunity, and Faraday’s opportunity came in the disguise of a simple trade. Surrounded by books, he spent much time reading through those he bound. He taught himself about all kinds of subjects and discovered a love for science and technology. Eventually, earning his own name in their pages.

Modern historians claim that Albert Einstein kept a photo of Faraday on his wall. And it’s undisputable that Faraday’s experiments had great influence on refrigeration, electrolysis, and electromagnetic induction. Not so common anymore, now is he?


An inventor named Carlinde from Switzerland was the first to make a machine that could actually refrigerate a food item—a drink in fact. In 1874 he found that Faraday’s process could be confined in order to chill his beer.

Who can say Switzerland doesn’t love beer?

The same process was used to later create the freezer which condenses liquid to -18 degrees.

And Then Came Ice

In America, refrigeration became essential for another reason. A condensing system was used by the physician named John Gorrie. He needed ice to keep the room cold where his yellow fever patients slept. In 1851 he patented the ice machine.

Also in the 1800’s, Alexander Twining and James Harrison patented ice making machines although is unclear if they had prior knowledge of Gorrie’s uses.

Andrew Huhl decided to make an ice machine in 1867 specifically for the Texas beef industry. Texas beef production was growing and orders were being shipped further than ever. In 1873, Columbus Iron Works received a contract on that patent and produced ice-makers to sell commercially. Eventually, interest in the company and process ended up in the hands of W.C. Bradley, Co.

Take Not for Granted

Now that you’ve followed along for a crash course in technological history, you’ll know who to thank for the summertime iced drinks you enjoy and the chilled fruit within easy access. In fact, refrigeration and ice is exactly what made it possible to have most of the foods in your refrigerator. Take a look at stickers in the local grocery store. They’ve likely travelled from California, Florida, and South America.

Yes. Tonight as you crack open the fridge, take a moment to thank Cullen, Faraday, and Carlinde for giving you the precious gifts of ice. And the grit to see their ideas through to the end.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

How to Plan the Perfect Mother's Day

“In the ancient world, mothers were honored and revered in cultures that worshiped mother goddesses. In ancient Rome and Greece, elements of some festivals — especially spring fertility festivals — included ways of honoring mothers. Early questions combined celebrations of women with their observance of a day in honor of the Virgin Mary during Lent. In England, Mothering Sunday celebrations began in the 1600s.”

Worldwide, cultures honor and recognize the role of a mother in society. She is the muse behind the Goddess, the first nurse in modern society, and she is a child’s first contact in the world.

I will always remember a story I was told. I can’t recall the storyteller but the words have stuck with me.

A volunteer was involved in ministering to inmates in a Phoenix prison. One Mother’s Day, the volunteer organized and invited prisoners to write cards to send to their mom. The activity went well and many incarcerated there showed up to write a note. The volunteer was inspired and decided to re-do the same activity for Father’s Day. This time, he could barely get anyone to send the same cards.

This antidote offers many possible insights, but the one that struck me was the power of the mother-child relationship. Mothers are often the number one supporter.

Preparing for Mom

If you want Mother’s Day events to go smoothly, you have to do some planning. I don’t expect that you’re going to throw an all-out extravaganza, but don't procrastinate reservations or gifts until last minute. It is never the making for a smooth day.

Here are the basics you will need:

·         A reservation or menu for home cooking

·         A gift and card

·         Acts of gratitude

The Meal

Mother’s Day and Valentine’s Day are the highest traffic days for restaurants. Combine this with the fact that Sunday afternoons are also paid affairs, and Mother's Day becomes the day of scarce tables. (AKA You have a need for a reservation. And pronto.)

It’s already a week before the actual day, so start calling. Many restaurants offer a buffet to reduce the amount of time each table is occupied. But this also means it may cost $30+ per person. (Many of our high end restaurant clients order ice sculptures for Mother’s Day buffets so they also put more into this day on their end as well.)

 If a home cooked meal is more your style, start planning the menu. Will it be breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner?

A typical meal (for those who aren’t aware), typically consists of a protein, a vegetable, and a carbohydrate. Popular Mother’s Day food is French toast, eggs, bacon, grilled sandwiches, or outdoor grilled specialties.

The Gift

There’s no need to stress about the perfect gift. If it comes from you or is made by you, mom is going to love it—Guaranteed!

Here are some of the most popular gifts for mom:

·         Flowers (potted or in a vase)

·         A corsage

·         A gift card to a store, salon, or eatery

·         Hand made goods

·         Photos

·         Jewelry

·         That special something she’s had her eye on

Wrap your gift up with a bow. And oh yes, don’t forget the card. You’ll get bonus points if that to is hand-made.

Which by the way, if you need ideas you can go HERE.

Acts of Love

After the table is cleared, don’t forget the rest of the day. (I know. You’re probably going to be tired by now, especially if you cooked—exactly what mom does or did for you most likely.)

Mother’s love to have their chores done. Try cleaning, washing her car, filling up her gas tank, mowing the lawn, or leaving a surprise for her to find.


I hope we were able to get the inspiration flowing. And we wish all our readers (and their moms) a very special Mother’s Day. No matter how near or far she may be.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

The Las Vegas 6: Six beer festivals you don’t want to miss

You simply haven’t experienced beer until you’ve been to at least one of these brew events.

Let’s face it. Americans love beer.

Beer makes us happy in a weird, disjointed kind of way. It’s the All American drink of sports fanatics, bonfire camaraderie, and mountaineers.

For example. Take a typical scenario where you’d crave a cold one and insert say… a cold glass of Kool-Aid. Now how does that taste? Does it hit the spot? Of course not. Nothing else can replace a chilled brew on a steamy summer afternoon. You can’t swap the two and still look cool playing darts or sitting by the swimming pool.

Las Vegas tends to be the mecca for all things cool and festive. It’s where America travels to have a good time. So it’s no surprise that they also host some of the best beer festivals in the country. If you haven’t been to an epic beer festival, you haven’t experienced brew.

Here are just a few of our top picks for beer festivals you must attend, hosted by some of our favorite customers.

Take it from me, these are definitely worth clearing your calendar.

1.       Great Vegas Festival of Beer

The Great Vegas Festival of Beer hosted over 80 breweries this year that featured over 250 different types of craft beer. The festival is a mega gathering of all things brew with good entertainment thrown in for measure.

Here’s what Vegas 24Seven had to say about it:

With Vegas being home to some of the industry’s leading mixologists and cicerones, the BrewLogic series invites beer enthusiasts of all levels to sit in on casual talks and demonstrations as well as participate in guided tastings to enhance their craft beer knowledge. The festival’s new series creates the unique opportunity for guests to form a better understanding of craft beer and new appreciation for their favorite beverage.

Tickets start at $35. This year’s festival was hosted in April, so keep an eye on the Great Vegas Festival of Beer website for future dates.

2.       Las Vegas Beer Festival

Shine your mug and mark your calendar, the Las Vegas Beer Festival is coming to town! There will be merriment in the streets from May 8th-10th.

The line-up this year includes live music, comedy shows, contests, brewing demos and much more. Let’s just say that if you go, you won’t be sorry you went. Or bored.

Beer festival patrons basically describe it as the Beer Party of the Year. Picture it… you and several of your best friends can spend the day sampling award-winning brew. All day. In Las Vegas. You also learn something about home brewing, join in the sausage eating contest, and possibly make it into the Book of World Records for the “biggest cheer.” It’s practically where stories that never die are born.

Visit the Las Vegas Beer Festival website for more details.

3. Downtown Brew Festival

The 2014 Festival may have closed this chapter in their story, but don’t worry. They’ll be back in 2015 and you have time to get there.

The Downtown Brew Festival describes itself as the “most stupidly awesome craft beer list Vegas has ever seen.” Need I say more?

This event is huge. No—really, REALLY HUGE! Crowds flock to catch a taste, and a glimpse, of beer-making in motion.

Over 250 beers can be found all in one spot. Some are special releases not to touch the taste buds of your fellow Americans. Just you, the one who showed up to meet the maker of something special.

Details for the next event can be found HERE.

4. Rock Star Beer Festival

What happens when great beer and a music festival decide to get together? Fireworks!

The Rock Star Beer Festival, in other words, is a love affair between hand crafted microbrew and Rock music. The two go together beautifully. And this year, it was at none other than the Hard Rock Hotel Las Vegas.

The star-studded lineup is always impressive. This year, Jerrod Niemann and Leah Turner took the stage to fire up the scene.

Keep an eye on the Website for future dates.

5. Sin City Beer Festival

Drink for a great cause at the Sin City Beer Festival. This event raises funds for Three Square (as in providing three square meals a day for hungry children).

This festival is all part of Vegas Wine and Food, which promises to tingle your pallet and satisfy the largest appetite.

The day this year is May 17th from 8-11pm.

Tickets are available ONLINE and can be purchased for all-you-can-drink or drink-up plus Barbecue.

6. Rock N’ Brew Festival

The Rock N’ Brew Festival pretty much lives up to its name. And then some.

The party is hosted at The Palms Resort and is a pool-side adventure of live music and local brews. Nobody walks around empty handed or without a smile on their face. Unless maybe they’re allergic to beer or deaf.

Party-goers come back year-after-year and make it a mandatory stop on the yearly event itinerary. That includes both locals and out-of-town travelers who come for a good time.